Yep it worked well for us

Papamoa Toy Library logo

Hi, Yep it worked well for us. I ask a couple of members whose emails had been going to spam and they reported they were receiving them in their inbox for the first time in months.

No more complaints, no more having to chase members!

The previous email system sent many of our member’s emails to spam. Since the move, this is no longer happening and all those who were not receiving our emails in their inbox are now doing so. No more complaints, no more having to chase members! The features that come with this system are quite handy […]

Would love to continue with this programme though

Rangiora Toy Library logo

Hi, It was great to see how many emails were sent, opened, or not opened, bounded back etc.  We still had some emails go to spam or junk folders though. Would love to continue with this programme though.

Overall it looks great

It looks like the majority are going to their main email inboxes – not junk or spam. And it’s great to be able to see the reports on incorrect email addresses – will be quick and easy to rectify from here. Overall it looks great and thanks for continuing to look at new options.