How Can We Help?
If you would like members to choose for themselves when they would like to complete their duties when they log into the Member Website, you will need to change the settings below.
Please note, once the settings are changed you must log out and then log back in again for the settings to take effect.
Go to Setup -> Members
Type the word ‘roster’ in the description. The following settings will appear. Once you have changed these settings to your liking you will also need to search for setting #209 by typing the number in the id as this setting does not appear when searching by the word ‘roster’.
- #213: This is the important one. For members to see the roster calendar in the Member Website you need to select Yes
- #200: automatically approves a duty when a member selects one rather than waiting for admin to approve. Select No if you do not want this to automatically happen
- #201: when a member logs in to the Member Website and views the roster calendar, you can decide if they can see the details of other members who have selected a duty, or not. Yes will show ID number, No will show ID number and member’s name
- #202: Yes to exclude the coordinator (committee member) from roster duties, No to include
- #219: you can decide up to how many days prior to the duty a member is able to delete it. When a member deletes the duty, admin will receive an email notification. If you do not want any member to be able to delete a duty, type in 0. The Delete My Duty button will not appear on the Member Website
- #209: If you have selected No for setting #201, you can also add the member’s phone number as well by selecting Yes for this option.
Toy Libraries show other members details to allow them to call each other if they need to swap their duties. Remember to ask for your members’ permission to show their details
If you are using the Roster System in the Member Website, you should then activate this below setting for the Admin Website.
Go to Setup -> Administration
Type in ‘roster’ and change the setting to Yes.
What this will do is activate the two tables below in the admin Home page.
- Members on Duty Today: will list what members will be completing their duty today
- Member signed up for duty online: will list the members that have signed up for duty in the Member Website.
If you have selected Yes for setting #200 above, this duty will automatically be approved. If you have selected No, an admin will need to approve it by clicking the pink ‘Go to Duty Page’ button which takes you to the Duty Roster page where you can click the yellow ‘Approve’ button (see below).