How Can We Help?
Renewing and/or returning a toy in MibaseNZ’s Loan page is really quite simple. Find the toy in the toy loan list and either click the green ‘Return’ button to return the toy or the green ‘Renew’ button to renew it.
A green Success box will appear at the top of the list with the returned (or renewed) toy’s information.
Unfortunately, a ‘reserved’ toy cannot be renewed. As you can see in the table, where the green ‘Renew’ button is, a red ‘Reserved’ box is there instead.
If a member would like to renew a reserved toy, you will need to return the toy then loan the toy again unless of course, the toy has been reserved by another member, in which case the toy cannot be renewed.
If a member is returning all the toys listed, rather than selecting the Return button separately for each toy, you can click the green ‘Return All’ button underneath the table.
The same applies if a member would like to renew all the toys listed, you can click the green ‘Renew All’ button. Remember though, this won’t work for reserved toys.