MiBaseNZ updated to 2.18.0 - 05/12/2020
Bugs fixed
- Ticket #625: Toys not active list: Hi there – I’ve just gone to my “toys not active page” and the only things that show up are in the games category – I have not put in anything to filter category etc it has just come up like this – if I do put in a category like TRA, RIO ETC it comes up with a blank page – what’s happening with this please and can it be rectified asap. Thanks.
- Ticket #662: Committee discount too much: Our toy hire committee discount should be half price but it seems to be 3 quarters and only charging committee members 1 quarter of the toy hire price.
New Small Functionality added
Make trial membership unable to be renewed #655
Requested by North Otago Toy Library
“Is there a way our trial membership can be set to unrenewable online by members? Currently, they can renew online but they should be switching to another membership, not a trial.”
Confirmation message for renewals #512
Requested by Taupo Toy Library
“Hi there – was wondering if there could be a confirmation message pop up when a toy library member renews their toys online….just something like your other ones for admin “success your toy/s have been renewed” – at the moment when they renew yes it does change the date but if you’re not paying attention and didn’t notice that then it would be easy to click renew a couple of times. I’ve shown a few members our test site and how it works and they all say the same thing it would be easy to miss as a lot of mums can be tired, maybe distracted if their children are playing up etc.”
Delete Duty on member website – Email to Admin
Requested by Papakura during Webinar
“When a member deletes a duty already assigned the Admin will like to receive an email.”
An “are you sure” feature #511
Requested by Taupo Toy Library
“Hiya – so with the delete function is there any chance – as a safe guard – that there can be an “are you sure you want to delete…yes or no” pop up that comes up? At this stage it is really easy to hit delete by mistake and all info is automatically gone. The other day I was making a few changes in regards to memberships and accidently clicked on delete instead of edit – I then had to go through and re do the membership type and then re-instate all members to it – luckily it was just a small category 🙂 I think it would be a really good safe guard. Cheers”
Requested by North Otago Toy Library
“Would there be any way to have a check before it deletes in the future? So if you hit the button a prompt comes up asking if you are sure you want to delete?”
New Module: Human Resource
Admin website
New module a simple human resource function, with a list of employees (current or old), timesheets, reports and much more.
This is a functionality in your Admin website under the Menu Setup under the “Running your toy library” section.
Te Puke Toy Library asks for a simple timesheet by our ticketing system and we decide to create something more powerful.
The module has a home page and 3 different sections:
- Employees (current and former)
- Timesheet
- Committee
There is a description in each section, please click the “Documentation” button.
Complete documentation here: https://mibase.co.nz/knowledge-base/category/human-resources/
New functionality: member card
Admin website
A member card that you can print and give to the member.