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This email can be sent if a member has returned toys and pieces have been found missing.

Before you send the email however you must record the missing piece and allocate the member to it.
To learn how to do this follow this link Recording Missing Pieces
Follow this link to view the Missing Pieces page

Once this is done, you can send the email. This email will also list any previous missing pieces recorded against this member so it also serves as a reminder.


Email Template

Once you have recorded the missing piece, the next important step is to create/modify this email template.

Go to Setup -> Email Template, type in ‘missing’ as shown below and click the yellow edit button.

Missing parts template

Then change the content in the email.

Missing Parts email

Click Save.
A Success message will appear. Clicking Go Back will take you back to the Email Templates page.

Success message


Specific Shortcode

For this particular email, you need to use the shortcode [missing] as seen above. This will list all the missing pieces allocated to the specific member.

You can also add any generic shortcode you like to the email. Follow this link to view our full list of shortcodes.


Member Email

This is the email that the member will receive.

Missing pieces email

Previous Members Login – Bulk email
Next Membership Renewal – Bulk email
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