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A lot of the tickets we receive for the MiBaseNZ system are usually around the Reservation System. This article is more like a checklist and has been created as a way of checking to see if everything has been set up correctly as well as an opportunity for you to work out why the Reservation System is not working before you open a ticket.

1. Have all your settings been set up correctly?

It doesn’t hurt to check your settings to make sure they are correct particularly if there are multiple administrators using the admin website or circumstances/librarians have changed in your library. We have found on occasions when the reservation system was initially set up, some libraries, for example, set up the admin side of things and as time goes on have decided to set up the Member Website and now allow members to make their own reservations but haven’t checked all the settings have been amended correctly. Here is the link to Setting up the Reservation System correctly.

2. Have you set up the Days and Times page correctly?

This one is important and is usually the most common error. The days you are open and closed are what appear on the reservation calendar. If these are not correct, then members will either select the wrong days or will not be able to select the right days or any days at all. To make sure your days are set up correctly follow this link to the Days and Times page.

3. Check if the toys are reservable

Whether you have some toys that are reservable or all of your toys are reservable, you need to make sure that they are. A common question is why can’t I see this toy to reserve it? When adding a toy to the system, sometimes ticking the box to make the toy reservable is missed, a very easy mistake to make.
But don’t worry, if all your toys are reservable it is as easy as going to Setup -> 1 click function and clicking the Reservable all toys button.
However, if you only have a select few toys that are reservable, you will need to go into each toy detail page, select Edit Toy, and make sure the This toy can be reserved check box has been ticked.

4. Check if the memberships are correct

This is important as when setting up your memberships there is a column that asks whether members with this membership can reserve toys or not. If this has not been selected to say Yes, then these members won’t be able to reserve. Go to Members -> Membership and look at the list of memberships. Under the Reserve column, check the memberships that are able to reserve, all say Yes.


If you have gone through this list and are happy you have everything set up correctly and the issue still continues, then please, Open a ticket and we will endeavor to fix it as soon as possible.

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