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If you are reading this page, you have purchased the Click and Collect Booking Premium Module under the Reserve page.

MiBaseNZ has created this Click and Collect booking system for admin and members to be able to book a time to pick up and/or drop off toys.

Before you can start using this system, you will need to complete two steps first.

Step 1: ensure your toy library’s opening times have been set up correctly. To learn how to do this read the article Days and Times page. Once set up, these opening times will be seen by admin and members when they go to reserve a toy as you will need to reserve a toy first before you can book a pick-up/drop off time.
(To see how to reserve a toy, go to the article How to Reserve a toy in the Admin Website for admin or for members go to the article How to Reserve a toy in the Members Website).


Step 2: set up the booking system. To do this go to Reserve -> Click and Collect

Click the Settings and content button.

There are six settings to change.
To make these changes click the Edit button alongside each setting, use the arrows or type in your preference and click Save.

Once the settings are changed you must log out and then log back in again for the settings to take effect.

Click and Collect settings

  • #300: select Yes for the booking system to be activated
  • #301: decide how many members you would like per time slot
  • #302: decide how many minutes would you like to allocate to each time slot
  • #303: select Yes if you would like to activate the Bookings setting in the Member Website. This will allow members to book a time to drop off toys only
  • #304: select Yes for the booking system to be activated on the Public Website
  • #305: select Yes to activate the dropdown menu for vaccine passes. This will allow members to inform you whether they are vaccinated or not

Select the Go Back button to take you back to the Click and Collect Booking page.

With this part of the setup complete, the module has now added the Click and Collect page on your Member Website.


It has also added a Book a Visit button underneath the Google map on the home page of your Public Website.

Book a Visit


To personalise your Click and Collect page, you will need to edit the title and content of the Member/Public website content page listed under the settings. Once you have made the changes click Save.

Click and COllect settings

This will automatically update the Member/Public Website and the title and content will appear on the Click and Collect page before the booking system.


View the video here:


(This video has two sets of instructions in it. The first will show you how to set up the booking system, the second, how to use the booking system on the admin website)

Now that you have set up the Days and Time page and the Click and Collect page, you are ready to make a booking. The following two articles will tell you how to use the booking system on the admin website and on the member website.

How to use Click and Collect in the Admin Website

How to use Click and Collect in the Member Website

Previous How to upload files to the Client Website
Next How to use Click and Collect in the Admin Website
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