Settings for Toy Loans
If you would like members to renew toys on the MiBaseNZ Member Website, go to the Member Settings page to decide on your options.
On Loan page
MiBaseNZ’s On Loan page lists all toys currently out on loan including the overdue toys. This list can also be accessed from the Home page.
Understanding the Loan page and all its functions
MiBaseNZ’s Loan page is more than just loaning toys to your members, it also provides many other related functions such as returning and renewing toys.
Explaining the details at the top of the Loan page
When selecting MiBaseNZ’s Loan page, relevant information and details to loaning toys will appear at the top of the page.
How to loan a toy to a member
There are three ways to loan a toy to a member; scan the barcode with a barcode scanner, search by toy id or search by toy name.
Emailing a toy loan receipt
When a member loans a toy, admin has the option of emailing the member a receipt of the toy loans if they would like one.
Printing a toy loan receipt
When a member loans a toy, admin has the option of printing the member a receipt of the toy loans if they would like one.
How to loan a reserved toy to a member
Loaning a reserved toy is as simple as going to MiBaseNZ’s Loan page, selecting the member, scroll down to Reservations, and clicking Loan Toy.
Using the alert boxes in the Loan page
Alerts, messages and reminders for admin, members and/or toys can be added in specific boxes located at the bottom of MiBaseNZ’s Loan page.
How to override the loan period for holiday closures
MiBaseNZ’s holiday mode, once set up, changes the due date for toys hired over this period to be the date you re-open the library.