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This email is great for reminding members when the toys they have on loan are due soon. You can decide how many days prior you would like to send this email.

The default setup is 2 days, so the member will receive the email 2 days before the due date.


Email template

The first important step is to create/modify the email template called ‘toy_due_soon’.

Go to Setup -> Email Templates and click edit.

Then change the content in the email

You can add any generic shortcode you like to the email, for example, in the above template, you can see [longname] or [email_library].
Follow this link to view our full list of shortcodes.


Toy Due Soon Shortcodes

For the list of toys due soon inside the email you can use these specific shortcodes:

  • [toyslist_due_soon_pieces]

  • [toylist_due_soon]

  • [toyslist_due_soon_small]

  • [toyslist_due_soon_very_short]

  • [toyslist_due_soon_detailed]


After saving the email, go to Setup -> Automatic Email and activate the cron job.

This type of automatic email will only be sent once.


Administrator Report

Every time MiBaseNZ sends an email, the toy library admin will receive the REPORT in an email, like this


Member Email

This is the email that the member will receive.


Toy on loan list

In our toy on loan list, the member Hulk Banner has 4 toys on loan, 1 is overdue and only 2 of them are due back in 2 days, so he will receive the email with only 2 toys in it like the example above.

Previous Due to Expire with Negative Balance – Automatic email
Next Resigned Members – Automatic Email
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