Copy Toy page

A great way to save time when adding a new toy which is the same or very similar to an existing toy is to use MiBaseNZ’s Copy Toy page.

Locations – create, edit or delete

MiBaseNZ’s Locations page will help with organise your toy library, particulary if it’s large. It also shows volunteers where to return toys. 

Suppliers page

MiBaseNZ’s Suppliers page allows toy libraries to record all toy suppliers they use. It is great for volunteers or future committee members.

The importance of toy categories

When starting to use MiBaseNZ, setting up the Toys Categories page and the different types of categories are important for your toy library for a number of reasons. Before adding new toys to your library, you need to set up MiBaseNZ’s Toys Categories page and the different types of categories.

Adding a new toy category

Before adding in your toys and acquiring new ones, it is important MiBaseNZ’s Toys Categories page is setup correctly.

Editing a toy category

Once you have created a toy category in MiBaseNZ’s Toy Category page, you can easily edit it or add a rent value for all the toys.