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MiBaseNZ’s Roster System allows both admin and members to book duties for your library. You can choose to just have it in the Admin Website or you can allow members to use it in the Member Website and also choose to view it on the Public Website.


Admin Website

The Admin Website is already set up and ready to use. All you will need to do is set up the Roster Preferences and Duty Roster under the Member page.
This must be done before using the system and before it is activated in the Member and Public Websites.

To do this, follow these links:
Creating Roster Preferences
Setting up the Duty Roster


If your toy library would like to use the Roster System in the Member and Public Website, certain settings will need to be activated.

Member Website

By setting up the Roster System in the Member Website, it allows members to log in and choose for themselves when they would like to complete their duties.

To find out how to do this, go to Activating the Roster in the Member Website

Public Website

If you choose to have the roster on your Public Website, members cannot select a duty from there. It is just to show everyone who is doing what roster and when and how many spaces are available.

To find out how to do this, go to Activating the Roster in the Public Website


Automatic Emails for Duties

To let members know about their upcoming duties, you can set up an automatic email to be sent so many days before the duty is to be completed.

Go to Roster Reminder Automatic Email to find out how.

Another reminder email you can use is the Due to Duty email. When a member’s membership is due to expire and they still have some duties to complete, this can be set up to be sent so many months/weeks before the membership expires. There are three Due to Duty templates to use which allows you to stagger the reminders as this email is only sent once.

Go to Due to Duty Automatic Email to find out how.


Where you can view Duty Roster information

There are a number of places members’ duties can be viewed within MiBaseNZ.

  • Member Stat page: under the table heading ‘TotDuties’, you can see the total number of duty hours a member has done since they joined. This is a great way to see who helps out a lot.
    Go to Member Stat page
  • Daily Stat page: you can see under the table header ‘Roster’ which member has completed a roster that day.
    Go to Daily Stat page
  • Members List: under the table header ‘RosterDue’ you can see the total number of duty hours the member is owing. If the number is red, the member owes duties. If the number is negative, the member has completed more duties than expected.
    Go to Members List page
  • Reports: although you can export the roster calendar to PDF or Excel, you can also select the ‘Roster with a date range’ report.
    Go to Reports
  • Member Detail Page: you can access this page by clicking the member id number on the Roster page. Scroll down to the heading ‘Roster’. You can see recorded duties if any or what duties still need to be completed.


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